Instrument Development

Instrument development began with the questionnaires used in earlier NSSMEs (1977, 1985, 1993, and 2000). The project Advisory Board, comprised of experienced researchers in science and mathematics education, reviewed the 2012 draft questionnaires and made recommendations about retaining, revising, or deleting items. Drafts of the questionnaires were also sent to a number of professional organizations for review; these included the National Science Teachers Association, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, and the National Catholic Education Association. The survey instruments were revised based on feedback from the various reviewers and field tested to help ensure that individual items were clear and unambiguous and that the survey as a whole will provide the necessary information with the least possible burden on participants. The Science and Mathematics Teacher Questionnaires are composed of a combination of yes/no, fill-in, and three- and five-point Likert scale items; requiring 30-40 minutes to complete. The Science and Mathematics Program Questionnaires are composed of a combination of yes/no, fill-in, and three- and five-point Likert scale items, requiring 20-25 minutes to complete. Finally, a brief school background questionnaire asked about school-level characteristics; e.g., student enrollment, STEM focus. All surveys were web based.

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