The 2012 NSSME was designed to place minimal burden on school staff and to avoid intrusions on the instructional day. No data were collected from students.
Principals of sampled schools were asked to identify a school coordinator, who electronically submitted a list of teacher names and teaching assignments for the purpose of assembling the teacher sampling frame. HRI sent a one-page letter to each sampled teacher, with instructions for completing the web-based questionnaire and unique log-in information. This letter also included all information needed for teachers to make an informed decision about whether or not to participate. The letter included a toll-free number teachers could call to request a paper survey or a phone interview as an alternative to web completion of the questionnaire. The survey was hosted on a secure (https) server.
All survey data received by HRI were stored separately from information that would identify an individual teacher (e.g., name, contact information). Survey data will be reported only in aggregate form, such as by grade level or region of the country. No information identifying individual districts, schools, or teachers will ever be released.