About the Study


The 2000 National Survey was the fourth in a series of studies initiated by the National Science Foundation in 1977. A stratified random sample of 1,800 schools in more than 1,200 school districts throughout the United States was selected to participate in the 2000 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education. Approximately 9,000 teachers were selected for the survey from lists of mathematics and science teachers provided by school principals.

The survey was conducted by Horizon Research, Inc., under the direction of Dr. Iris R. Weiss. Data collection was the responsibility of Westat, in Rockville, Md. Survey questionnaires were mailed to individual teachers and department heads in February 2000. Data collection concluded in December 2000.

Purpose of the Study

A total of 5,765 science and mathematics teachers in schools across the United States participated in this survey. Among the questions addressed by the survey:

  • How well prepared are science and mathematics teachers in terms of both content and pedagogy?
  • What are teachers trying to accomplish in their science and mathematics instruction, and what activities do they use to meet these objectives?
  • To what extent do teachers support reform notions embodied in the National Research Council’s National Science Education Standards and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Principles and Standards for School Mathematics?
  • What are the barriers to effective and equitable science and mathematics education?

The purpose of the survey was to provide the education community with accurate and current information about science and mathematics education and trends in the following areas:

  • Science and mathematics course offerings and enrollments;
  • Availability of facilities and equipment;
  • Instructional techniques;
  • Textbook usage;
  • Teacher background; and
  • Needs for in-service education.

More information…

For detailed descriptions of the sample design, data collection, and reporting variables please see the Appendices of the Report of the 2000 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education .